Buckwheat, rice, barley, oat – all of them such different, but at the same
time such useful, tasty and nourishing. They say that oil you will not spoil
porridge, and, actually, to spoil porridge very difficult, the main thing is
know the basic rules of preparation of grain.
Types of porridges
How to cook porridge, first of all, depends on what
you porridge prepare. And porridges can be friable, viscous or liquid. To
friable it is possible to carry buckwheat, rice, millet and pearl barley.
Viscous – most often milk oat or wheat porridges. And liquid it is possible to
make both porridge, and a semolina, and rice.
The ware in which cook porridge has important value.
That porridge did not burn, the pan has to be with a thick bottom. Well the
pig-iron cauldron is suitable for cooking of porridge – it will long keep
temperature even at the switched-off fire that will allow reach porridge to the
necessary consistence, at the same time, without having lost a lot of moisture.
Earlier traditionally cooked porridges in clay pots in the furnace that too
very good option – at such option of giving it is possible to turn an ordinary
dish into festive. The glass pan with a cover will be ideally suited for
preparation of grain in a microwave. You do not cook milk porridges in aluminum
ware – the risk that podgorit.vitamina milk for the child is big
Friable porridges
Friable porridge — in which grains well inflated and
were boiled thoroughly, but at the same time easily separate from each other.
Such porridges are cooked in a small amount of water. When water is absorbed,
if necessary add still. Before cooking grain is sifted, touched and well washed
out. Some hostesses fill grain in a pan directly from a pack, but it is quite
misleading — when washing not only dust, but also starch, the fat which is
emitted from grains at long storage is removed. The prepared grain is filled up
in the boiling added some salt water and on weak fire brought to readiness.
Viscous porridges
Viscous porridge has to keep in a plate a hill and at
the same time not blur. Many grain badly boils soft in milk therefore they are
previously brought to semi-readiness in water, and then cooks longer in milk.
Oil and sugar add to porridge after cutoff of fire.
Liquid porridges
Liquid porridges cook on water, milk or mix of water
with milk. They prepare as well as viscous, only with smaller amount of grain.
Add honey, jam, butter when giving to liquid porridge. From liquid porridges
prepare puddings and baked puddings.
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